How do I join a housing co-op?
Some of our client co-ops manage their own waiting lists and others receive nominations from the local authority. Some use a wait listing as well having a nomination agreement with the local council.
See our co-op directory for each co-operatives application process.
How do I apply for housing?
You will need to seek advice from your local authority. When we have a vacant property we receive referrals of suitable families or individuals from local authority waiting lists.
I live in co-op, who is my landlord CDS or the housing co-op?
If you live in a housing co-op, the co-op is your landlord, we manage services on behalf of your co-op. The services we provide for co-ops vary depending on our agreement with each co-op. Check out our co-op directory for more information about the co-op you live in.
What is a housing co-op?
A housing co-op is a housing organisation which exists as a landlord, managed partly or fully by its tenants. Co-ops are one model of Community-Led Housing. Co-ops allow people to control their homes and build a supportive community.
How do I report a repair?
If your repair is an emergency (a serious health and safety risk to somebody or a serious threat to your property) you must call us on: 03333 21 30 30. If your repair is not an emergency you can either report a repair online here or call our repairs team.
How do I pay my rent?
You can pay your rent online here, or call our housing management team and pay over the phone Monday-Friday 9-5:30pm. You can also use your rent payment card and pay with cash or cheque at a post office or a paypoint outlet (in small shops). Request a rent payment card here.